Monday, June 20, 2005

Is Hong Kong still part of China?

Yes I do know that it actually is, but it feels as if I'm only halfway out of China. People understand English, well some of the time. However I have no more understanding of Chinese. Here in HK they speak Cantonese and the most widely know example is the part of Wayne's World where Wayne learns Cantonese to talk to Cassandra. Case in point, I really needed a soda and broke down and went to 7-Eleven because we don't have those in ND and it was the closest thing I could find. I knew the girl at the counter was asking me if I had smaller change, but the words coming out of her mouth were nothing I've ever heard before. The other checker kindly yelled at me "It's six ninety!" I went out of there very disappointed as now I"m back to square one and don't even know numbers.

HK is still a neat city. We are staying on Honk Kong Island, where much of the scenic buildings are. The skyline is different from Shanghai as it is not a bizarre combination of extremes, but rather a classic city scape. The left behind traveling crew, with my friend Sarah as our new addition, went to Kowloon to see the sights. The best vantage point is from the Avenue of Stars, simiar to the Walk of Fame in Hollywood but with the glitz and neon that only China can make work.They love Jackie Chan, as he came from HK, but many other stars are featured.

Another great sight was the view from Victoria Peak. It's about an 8 minute ride, but the roller coaster feeling is a bit overwhealming at times. To give you an idea, it goes up at a 27 degree angle. It was a bit cloudy when we did it, but being able to be well above the skyscrapers was a unique experience.

I'm also glad to report that my dad is doing much better and I can't wait to talk to him soon! I don't know if I'll make another post here in HK, but starting Thursday I'll be available on my cell phone.

Can anyone tell me what kind of dammage there was from the wind storm? It made and just would like to know what in the sam hill is going on.

I'm off into the Chinese monsoon season. Stay dry.


Anonymous said...

Dear Shanna, It is good to hear that your trip is going well, and that Sarah made it there OK. Too bad I can't e-mail you an ice cold diet coke!
Mike and I visited with your dad for over an hour tody. It was great to see him we had good conversation about golf, hockey and what an unbeliveable last 7 months your family has been through. It was great to see him,and I know you will be pleased at how well he is doing.
I will be visiting Sarah and Tanner from June 22-June 26. Jeremy is going to join Steve, Scott, and the other male members of the wedding party at a bachlor party at Cass Lake,so I thought it would be a good time to go to Lincoln.
I can't beleive that you will be home soon. Greet Anne for me when you are in Hawaii, and Have her e-mail me so I can make sure I have her right adddress to send her wedding invitation.
All for now
Have fun and keep sage
Aunt Barb
PS My e-mail is

Anonymous said...

Dear Shanna, I forgot to answer your question about the wind damage. It was mostly in the Walhala and Langdon area, There were no fatalities or injuries, juat a lot of treeand building damage. It didn;t affedt us here.
I saw your mom Copurtney out at the golf course today. It was a beautiful day for golf.
See you soon!
Love, Barb