Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Room with a View…fueled by green tea

I get to walk to work. This is a concept that is all too often ignored, not considered, or not possible in the States. Fortunately, I live near my office so I am able. This morning started out at about 5 a.m. again due to a neglected “Wake me up and we’ll go to supper,” last night. Not welcome, but I had a chance to get going slowly and watch the Chivo v. Inter futbol match. I live on the fourth floor of my building so the decent is easy, but I have the added weight from my computer to keep me honest. I choose a canteen to eat my breakfast which usually costs between 12-50 cents. As I walk, I pass retired men and women playing croquet on a cement pad. It is a relaxed yet competitive atmosphere in which they play. Next is the main street into campus. This is by no means like University Ave at UND, but I have nearly been taken out by a unobservant pedestrian or scooter. This week holds special fare because the freshmen are doing their military training. They all wear white hats but are dressed as civilians. The students have been divided up into small groups maybe units (?) and do their drilling starting very early in the morning. I can hear them as I am getting up and that has been around 5 am. Today they must be practicing for their presentation on Saturday, because there was a color guard and more organized marching by the units. Luckily today is in the 70’s F compared to the high 90’s F from earlier this week. When I reach my building, it’s up to the fourth floor and into my office which I share with another English teacher from Ireland along with Tom and Elizabeth (in the second room) from Central Michigain University. They teach multimedia something. Everyone is nice although my view is that of a Christmas tree and box of decorations but behind me is a few trees, basketball courts and a futbol pitch/track.

Also have to pass along the mean mug of the day award, although it’s from two days ago, that goes to Hagel’s groceries. We went to the LotusMart (read Japan based Super Wal-Mart type place) to get groceries. I had one small bag because everything I needed was pretty tiny (alarm clock note pads, chop sticks), but Hagel was on a mission for some brewskies. To his credit he came prepared by bringing his backpack. We paid for our supplies and headed out into the heat. Hagel rearranged his groceries into his backpack but left it in his cart until the end of the block because it was heavy. A Chinese man passed us walking and turned around to have a look at the cart, not once but twice. I could tell he wanted a third glance but decided to move on. First inanimate object I know of to get the mean mug, but hey it’s China: the place where anything can happen.

I also have a cell phone. Let the txting begin!

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