Wednesday, January 04, 2006

In the minority, but in a good way...

Last night I had a great night out. My office mate, Emma from Ireland, invited me out for her birthday. No idea what to expect, the venue was set for a Japanese all you can eat, all you can drink restaurant. These are pretty common in Shanghai but I have not been to one yet. The next time I've got a big group, that's the place.

It didn't take me very long to realize that I was going to be the only American. Surrounded by Welsh, Irish, French, Scottish, Japanese, Chinese, South African, and English was something that's never happened to me before. It didn't take us long to get into the sake and, as you may already know, when you get into the sake you end up singing. I realized that I was going to encounter a few interesting items:
1. I'm not a very good singer.
2. I don't know many songs off the top of my head.
3. This is pretty funny.

So when all else fails and after listening to everyone else sing national or native songs, I resorted to what I knew: the North Dakota state song. It's short, sweet, and to the point and my turn was over quickly. I could compare to Helen from Wales as she informed me that the major religion of Wales was singing. I believe her. Upon coming back from the lu, the whole room had erupted in a rendition of Don McLean's American Pie and a few gentle chides telling them they had confused all the verses into one megaverse, they eventually quit and started to move onto another song. After the rounds of singing were done, we ended up where you would expect a bunch of Irish and Scots would be, a pub called the Blarney Stone for a couple of pints.

I actually enjoyed being the minority of that group, though I did preface my song with the statement that I was deferring to my heritage (Scotch and German among others) and that I didn't know any American songs that were as good as theirs. That drew no argument :) The whole evening was wonderful and if I could be the minority all of the time, that would be a good group to do it with.

Happy 13th Birthday Emma! ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Shanna! I talked to your MOM last night..she is getting excited
about her trip to see you! I am also leaving on the 11th to go to Peoria for a few days to visit Scott & family. It will be fin to see Ashley, and Megan who turns ONE on Jan 12th.We are anxious to see you again. I am hoping Sarah and Tanner will be able to come to GF the last weekend of Janurary for the state drill team competition. We can have a mini reunion! Well, you and your Mom have a great week touring China and we'll see you in a couple of weeks. Love, Aunt Barb

Anonymous said...

Hi Shanna, I thought about your Mom all day today as she traveled to see you. Have a GREAT time (especially at the GREAT wall). Ironically NPR Marketplace is covering Shanghai all week this week. China has been in the news alot lately. The business world over there is......shall we say, very interesting. Can't wait to hear about your adventures. Love, Mary & TBone