Sunday, May 22, 2005

Did they just say "China is Good"?

(if anyone knows how to say "spell check" in Chinese characters, please let me know)

Travel tip: When it's hot, be sure to drink plenty of water. It just helps keep the pipes going the way they should.This may seem like trivial things, but you would be surprised on how far you can go on simple advice.

Yet another wild and exciting day. Five people including myself ventured out into the rain to see the sights. We started off at the Chinese Military Museum. This is an interesting collection of German, Russian, and American weapons that the Chinese have used in their military campaigns. Did I hear something about good intentions? I found the whole place fascinating and bought a very fun watch with the Chinese Communist star and a compass. A couple of other students from our group, Jack and Hayley, had an encounter with some Chinese elementary school age children. These two were looking at an exhibit and a child ran up behind them and whispered, "China is good." Jack turned to Hayley and said, "Did they just say 'China is good'?" Nothing like a little subliminal messaging.

Our next stop was Liulichang, or Tile Factory Street. This was where the factory that made the roof tiles for the Forbidden City was once located. We stopped here for lunch and had in impressive spread for about 20USD for the five of us. Just before we left the restaurant, I saw two small children peaking out from behind a door. I waved at them and ducked back into the other room. The place was off the beaten path, so I'm guessing that not very many foreigners choose to eat there. The staff was very friendly and probably had a few laughs at our expense.

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