Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Traveling is an addiction. Really, I'm not kidding. Going into my 9th year of this vice, I'm off to conquer my 4th continent. This somehow has been the most stressful trip to plan, and I haven't even done as much as I have for other adventures. Go figure, life seemed to get in the way more than usual.

I leave on Sunday at 3pm for Beijing and hope to catch up with some people in Minneapolis while I'm down there. I want to issue a sincere apology to Graham because I will be missing his graduation. Many years and states in the making, along with mastering the art of beginning your day at two in the afternoon, it is a degree impressively earned.

Just a few finals to finish and then I'm off on a journey I didn't think would be happening had you asked me a year ago. At some point when I have time, we'll see when that happens, I hope to put up a recap of the Ireland trip. Pictures still have to be gathered and I heard there's a video somewhere in the mix, but I learned some important travel tips while there and advice is always best when shared.

This is my first blog and hopefully will provide a window into my fantasy of being a travel writer. If you have any advice, suggestions, want me to dispell a rumor about Chinese food, or desperately need a terocotta warrior from Xi'an, feel free to drop me a line.

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