Thursday, May 05, 2005

Remember when...

I was working on cleaning out my UND email account and came across the email that I sent back from Europe. I didn't realize how few there actually were. This will definitely qualify as one of those painful growing up moments (as I was only 21) where I look back and give it a slight grimace but a big hug for trying. It was fun to reminice a bit...

Saturday, August 25, 2001 2:06 pm
JV Rockstar Tour

hey all you kats and kittens!
just thought I’d let you all know that I’ve arrived and this is one of the coolest things I’ve done...first off I’d like to give props out to everyone who put me up and partied with me in my swingin' tour of South Dakota and the beautiful UND was a great way to, how's it going you ask?...Wonderful, the people on the tour are so much fun and I get along with them all...I’m the only person from ND that many of them have met and I’m representin' well...London was just as I remembered it, only much hotter and I’m really gearing up for the new stuff...well I’m off to help celebrate a birthday of on of my tour mates, and then maybe some home work... cheerio!

Love and Rockets,

Where ever I go
Where ever I stay
My mind will always be...

P.S. if you don't want to receive the future just say "hey knock it off" if you know someone else who would like to get it and doesn't, give them my e-mail and they can write to me to become part of the list...cheers!

Sunday, September 9, 2001 8:28 am
JV Rockstar Tour Norway Leg

so today September 9th I’m in Norway, it’s kind of rainy but by far Oslo is the cleanest city we have stayed far it’s been like this, London was hot and very action packed...Paris, well even though I have not developed a strong affinity for the french people really didn’t mind the place....I hung out at saint michele most nights and even took a cruise along the seine...I was dragged, against my will mind you, to the red light district and saw the museum of erotic arts...that was an education in itself...I found that my ability to get hit on by crazy guys is international, and that the greek pita is possibly the best form of meat on a stick that the world has ever seen. After france, we went and stayed in a medieval castle in Koblenz Germany and I had the most dramatic make over of my life...a couple of my roommates and I decided to use our free day to make ourselves look pretty because we mostly look like scrubs all the time...the idea came up to make me look like Barbie, and according to the other members of the group I was in that camp, at least until I opened my mouth and let the truth come out. We also took a cruise up the Rhine River and that was so green and pretty, we also saw lots of vineyards which I wasn’t expecting. Ffrom our castle in Koblenz we ventured to Hamburg for a night and then on to a boat that brought us here to Oslo...I’m going out tomorrow night to celebrate my 21st birthday and I suggest that you all do the same...because we all need a reason to party right?...I’ve also discovered the best beer in the whole wide world, it comes from Belgium and it’s amazing...I'll let you know how Scandinavia turns out, likely sometime in Russia... later!

Love and Rockets,

We went all around the world.
We hung out with a lot of bikers,
and drank a lot of beer.
I didn't even get thrown in jail once. THE END
-Steve Earle

Sunday, September 23, 2001 8:58 am
JV Rockstar Tour Russia Leg

wow, crazy things abound and I’m not just talking about what's on the minds of every American right now. I’m sitting in a net cafe a few doors down from the Church on Our Lord's Spilled blood in St. Petersburg's an interesting city, you can buy anything you need right out on the street, and I do mean any thing, but the people are so dour that it's hard for my bubbly personality to survive...

so catching up, I found out about the terrorist attacks as a bunch of us were coming back from a full day of museums...we were skipping rocks into a fjord in Oslo, Norway...these British guy came up to us, realizing we were Americans, and told us the first we thought they were playing some cruel joke on us, but once we got off the boat one of my friends on the tour has a dad that works in the pentagon who she was able to call, he wasn't hurt and confirmed all of our worst fears...we rushed back to our hostel where we watched CNN and BBC nonstop...all those who had family in the area got good news, and we have been veraciously buying international press eversince, even yours truly. So on a lighter note, Norway is beautiful!!! all of you with Norwegian ancestry be proud, the guys are as lovely as the rest of the scenery ;) we traveled to Oslo and Bergen then made our way to Stockholm, Sweden....

In Sweden, we stayed on a revamped boat, aka the boat hostel, right in the middle of the city. Being there intensified my question, What's up with the Scandinavians and hot dogs?... you'd get it if you've been there, everywhere you go there are hotdog stands, in every 7-11, even World of Hot Dogs. So I had to break down and have one...but it was not just any hotdog, it was one with mashed potatoes not on a bun but rather a tortilla-like shell and with lots of ketchup....oh my gosh, it was great...for the rest of my time in Scandinavia I was addicted, even forgoing the daily dose of ice cream, ok only once...and that brings us up to Russia, by far my highlight of the trip...St. Petersburg is ok, but it is far dirtier that I even imagined...showers have been scary because there's parasites in the water and laundry was nowhere to be found. This may sound a bit smelly, but sure enough perfume cures everything, and we still smell better than the majority of the natives. There will be another chapter about Moskva entirely soon because we plan on celebrating my birthday there as Norwegian bars cost a thoughts and prayers are with you all, and I hope you can tell me who stole the nickel trophy, I’m just dying to know....

oh, and I'll leave you with the question of the moment around our group right much per month would you budget to go to the bath room?..see our experience is that all the toilets we encounter are on the pay to use system...this of course in insane, but there sure is money to be consider this deep thought the next time nature calls...:)

Do svidanya,

There's nothing superficial, artificial
Get just what you see.

Sunday, October 7, 2001 6:03 am
JV Rockstar Tour Berlin leg

well here I am in Germany for the second time...Berlin, it's a city with lots of character, but I for the second time have suffered the concert letdown...I was psyched up to see NFG and Fenix TX, but in light of recent events the show has been cancelled...but anyway, I had an amazing time in Russia just to reiterate, and must tell the nutzo story of our st. Petersburg bus driver.

so we were on our way back from the Pushkin palace and heading to a well deserved rest at the Petersburg there are no lines on the road so traffic is a mess at best...there was this tin can of a car who decided to cut our bus driver off...the bus driver was not too happy and decided to retaliate...he cut off the tin can, and the tin can driver was also not happy so he returned the favor... that time though our bus driver decided enough was enough and cut off the tin can, slammed on his breaks and got out of the bus...he immediately went over to the driver and started up some fisticuffs...the tin can driver retaliated and after several blows the fight was broken up...our bus driver returned to his seat, calmly turned on the radio and continued on like nothing ever happened...road rage does funny things to people I guess.

The adventures have been sparse, mostly consisting of hunting the cities for the best bars and ice cream shops...I did call home for the first time two nights ago, and had a run in with an overzealous German who wanted to use the phone...he stood behind me for a minute the said something in German that I didn't understand so I shrugged my shoulders and kept talking to my sister...he then said something else tapped his watch and cell phone several times quite angrily, but I told him that I couldn’t he next opens all the phone booths trying to find someone who speaks German and English so he can relay his plight...he did find a guy, who was three sheets to the wind and I told him exactly where the phone psycho could put his cell phone and needless to say neither of them came back and I was able to wish my grandma happy birthday...oh and speaking of birthdays, Kris, happy belated birthday!...

on a more serious note, I bought my very first personal CD player and I think that it may change my life...I have music any time I want, I don't know, it's just too beautiful for words....I’ll finish up with GO Sioux! great to see that goodness has prevailed for another year and the nickel is back where it belongs...later!

Love and Rockets,

There's nothing superficial, artificial
Get just what you see.


Thursday, October 11, 2001 2:39 pm
JV Rockstar Tour Cancellation Dates

wow, did I ever get a heavy load of news dropped on me yesterday...I got the unfortunate news that the main office running the tour decided that we are not going to turkey, Crete, or Rhodes...this comes as a heavy blow because I was looking forward to those two islands in particular, turkey well I’ll be honest I was ambivalent to the cause...this means that there is a big gaping hole from about November 9 until the 29 when we get to Portugal where I have no idea where I will be staying, what I’ll be doing or be honest, I think it's fun to fly by the seat of one's pants...but in light of everything that's been going on in the world, I truly am a bit uneasy... the state department has been one of my frequently visited sites on the web along with reading every copy of the international herald tribune I can find...I don't think that I’ve ever been this personally involved withthe news in my entire life...

that brings us up to today's country: Prague in the Czech republic...this city is so beautiful, and not in the way st. Petersburg was (once upon a time it was beautiful, but now not so much) it just seems to sparkle...I was out on the veranda of my hostel, yes this is a high class one, and the cityscape is breath taking...tomorrow after my history mid-term and music listening quiz, that pesky actually doing work issue, I plan to sit an enjoy a city that is on my list to revisit...

I guess with the latest developments that I’ve been thrown into, I really wonder what it's like back home...I’ve read the reports of how people aren't going places and the show of patriotism, but how does it really affect the mental state of people?...I just can't put my mind around that concept...I’m still living in the bubble image of The States that I left with in late august...well enough with my quasi- philosophicalness, I’m of for some czech-mex and study for my history test...hope you all are safe and well!


Friday, October 26, 2001 11:27 am
JV Rockstar Tour Italy Baby!

so I hear that it snowed like a mother back home...not to make anyone jealous or anything but it's sunny and 75 here...and to make it worse I spent most of today sunbathing on the balcony of my hotel room...yes yes it was difficult, but I was actually writing my mid term for evil. Oh yeah that's my lit class. Iit's a topic study on evil in here I am hanging out in Florence Italy. It's not that beautiful of a city but it has vibrant nature that it so amazing...last night I had music class at a jazz performance of the vanderguard 5...they played different styles of music from Chicago blues to bebop. I enjoyed it immensely. Previously I was in Venice...that city is a whole other world...there is no motorized street transportation whatsoever and the only options are boat or foot...I loved every minute of it, and I had a room that overlooked a semi-busy side street...the conversations from the street waking me up every morning was a welcome change from drunk roommates and cars & busses...I ate some of the best pasta and red wine of my life in Venice at this little hole-in-the-wall restaurant...I also made this discovery of a wonderful Italian cultural treat, think you like ice cream?.. gelato is about a million times better, and I’m an ice cream fan also...

there are two of the most important things, to me at least, happening this week...there's the fall fund drive going on at Northern Lights Public Radio where I worked last year and also the National FFA Convention...I wish everyone the best in working with the fund drive and competing in CDEs in Louisville...I am thinking of all of you and you have all my love and support!


Lovin' everyday as if it's the last
Dancin' all night and havin' a blast!
-artist unknown to me, I just heard it on my electric pocket radio

Wednesday, November 7, 2001 11:53 am
Shanna goes Greek

now that I for sure got your attention, I just arrived in Athens this evening...the past week or so has flown by with all kinds of interesting things...ok, so time spent in Rome was incredible! when someone asks me "what did you do for Halloween?" I can say with all seriousness "went around drunk as a skunk in Rome while wearing a powder blue toga."...I never thought I could pull it off but myself and three of my compatriots managed to get some togas and go on this thing called a pub crawl, btw I recommend to everyone...we got free all-you-can-drink beer for an hour then ran around to five bars doing shots for the rest of the night and random guys in said bars ended up buying us beer...oh man, it was like I was an actual college student again...the next day was pretty rough, especially because we did a huge bunch of walking around the forum and the coliseum...I really like the coliseum and stood in the dead center...the whole time all I could hear in my head was "maximus! maximux!"..god bless pop culture :)...I also got a chance to hear a Scandinavian jazz ensemble that was like nothing I’ve ever heard in my life...I couldn't even classify it much past post-acid jazz/ambient amazing was so intriguing I bought the cd...after Rome was Naples with most of the day in Pompeii...this warrants a quote that you'll never hear from an art professor jay goes "if you want there's some more naughty pictures (pointing)around the corner in that room. we'll have about ten minutes after I’m done talking to look around"...I don't think I’ve laughed that hard in class for a long explain, the paintings in Pompeii are a bit more, let's say risqué, than one may be used to in roman art...oh man, were there some fun pictures taken there!...the next day we were supposed to catch a train from Naples to our boat to Greece, but there was a train our director said, "welcome to Italy!" after about 3 hours of hack later we got on a train for six hours and hopped a boat to Greece...just barely though...the train came in 20 minutes before the boat was to set sail...the craziest cabbies I’ve ever ridden with got us there with 5 minutes to spare, including dock side service...after much traveling we arrived in Delphi, saw the place of the temple of Apollo and the oracle and currently I am in Athens...Greece is very beautiful and the drive around the coast reminded me a lot of PCH in northern California...time's running low today so this installment will be continued later...hey Christine! I have secured a microwave for the apartment....hey all you djs out there, play me some good tunes! all you guys and have an amazing day...


Lovin' each day as if it's the last,
Dancin' all night and havin' a blast!
-artist unknown to me, I just heard it on
my electric pocket radio


(This was a reply to my ramblings from to my friend Laura)
Subject Re: to the rockstar...

hey Laura!

just little ol' me in's pretty industrial and the debate is how did this place become a fashion mecca...let you know when we leave...just got over being sick and having my asthma act up, but I’m free and clear two nights ago my friend Lori got a lesson in steam rolling, she didn't know what it was so we explained it to I was leaving to go to bed, I was going to surprise two of my friends lying on a bed with a quick roll...I didn't make it, and Lori had the bright idea that she would try out her new found we were being shoved off the bed, myself head first and Lori followed foot first, her foot came across my ear and made quite a tear...I was laughing hysterically, and then she said that I was bleeding profusely, you know those head wounds bleed like a mother. After about half an hour of doctoring the bleeding stopped and my art prof put some band aids on stitches thank goodness but it makes a hell of a story...I flew for the first time, since things went down, yesterday...we were on a puddle jumper and everything went was not all that much different from when I flew to London in august...but that brings me up to today...we have a free day so my friend Amanda and I are bumming around the city and chilling'...check you later, the rain's clearin and there's city to see!

Love and Rockets,

Lovin' each day as if it's the last,
Dancin' all night and havin' a blast!

Friday, November 30, 2001 12:41 pm
JV Rockstar Tour- Portugal

yes yes another rambling letter from the euro-hobo...these last couple of weeks have been a blur of papers and travel days but let’s take a journey backward in time and see what happened...last city visited, Bilbao!!! ok so I was a little excited, it was a two year culmination of a dream and it was way more than I expected...I got to see my favorite building in the world, the Guggenheim museum and took a plethora of pictures, visited guernika an important cite in the Spanish civil war, some really cool modern art museums and just had a blast walking around the beautiful city...I hadn’t been to northern Spain and I really like the contrast of the Basque region to every where else I had been in that country...previous was the south of france...contrary to what I believed before, I don’t mind france so much...the southern part is really quaint and homey, I sincerely enjoyed myself...we were in Montpellier, Lyon, and carcassonne...thanksgiving was in carcassone and it was one to remember...we stayed in a citadel overlooking the city, and we happened to find out that robin hood prince of thieves was filmed there...that for sure made the night, along with the free flowing wine and champagne provided by our tour directors :)

and now iºm in Portugal, and must put it at the top of the list thus far...for the past couple of days iºm in lisboa and this city continues to amaze me the first day we were doing a walking tour of the city and we then break for lunch...I was walking down the street window shopping with my Canadian history prof and my friend Lori when this guy shows us something that looks like little blocks of wood and says hashish! hashish!...Geoff, the prof, gets all flustered and hustles us past to the next block...then about five minutes later it happens again...we blamed it on him of course....we saw the maritime museum and hung out in a suburb for the afternoon...iºve got class at a jazz concert tonight and am heading for finals at the beach later early next week...I wish all of you happy holidays and can’t wait to see the snow back in ND soon!


Lovin' each day as if it's the last,
Dancin' all night and havin' a blast!

Sunday, December 9, 2001 9:56 am
JV Rockstar Tour- Spain

hello one again from across the pond...can you believe the last letter that I’m sending I just got into Madrid, and it’s so awesome to be in a city that I know reasonably well...I have one more paper and a presentation and I’m all done and in the clear...but speaking of finals, some of you know the craziness that goes on, well I had some incredible times after my finals earlier this week...I had two in one day, and you know what that night means, straight to the bar...well needless to say I started getting fancy and ordering long islands with out coke and my friend the bartender filled the void with gin and was quite tasty at the time and after that was gone, my friend Billy the bartender told me that I was the heaviest drinker at the bar ( I had since been buying everyone in the bar drinks because it was two for ones) and he gave me a free shot...after I took it he told me it was absinth (the stuff that van Gogh was addicted to and made to crazy)...yadda yadda yadda I finally made it home somehow...I remember getting up into my bed and falling asleep, but the next thing I remember was waking up on the floor (off my top bunk) and saying ¿guys how did I get on the floor?...with peels of laughter they helped me back up...well that puts me in a whole other club now...

but seriously, I have enjoyed my time here...each day is a surprise, not knowing what breakfast will be, what new pieces of art I will see or other event that will enrich my life or how I will grow as a person...I made some awesome friends and met some people I want to personally beat with their own limbs...interesting how life can be...the one thing that I have learned over all is that I love north Dakota, the people in my area, my family and friends, UND, and wouldn´t trade any of that for the world...I can´t wait to talk to you all again and share the stories that you have and let you in on some of the details of my trek...

Love you all and Happy Holidays!

I am not the same having seen
the moon shine on the other side of the world.

P.S. all you up streamers at SU, National Champs! read ´em and weep!

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