Thursday, June 09, 2005

Shanghai Shortz...

Some may say that Shanghai is a place of high fashion. Our group did their absolute best to knock that down a peg last night. After going out for supper, Hayley stopped at one of the many convenience stores and spotted some colorful underwear. Her moment of brilliance came "Shanghai Shorts!" This may be the coolest thing to ever happen to Shanghai.

With many colors including blue, yellow, pink, and I believe orange, we rocked our hotel. Our teacher happened to come by and we took a group picture and were sure to show off the fact we all had the words Shanghai Shortz including the Chinese characters for Shanghai on our behinds.

Events like this never seem to happen with out libations, and some where in the night we ran out. Ben and John being the brave souls they were went out in their Shanghai Shorts to help keep the festive mood alive.

The highlights of wearing a pair of Shanghai Shorts include not being able to tell the front from the back (hence the writing) and they come in all different sizes, but are labeled the same. I wish I could figure out how to post pictures (a little bit hard when most of the computer commands are in Chinese) but will be posting them when I get back to the states.


Anonymous said...

Hey Shanna,
Tuesday came around and I was feeling a bit brave, so i decided to check out some new music. It was a few bands you had listed in an earlier post, so I figured why not? You have to get the new Motion City Soundtrack album asap! I hadn't heard their stuff before, but wow! I'm glad I picked up that cd, also The Academy and Zero 7. Pretty good stuff. The Shanghi Shorts sounds as if it were an idea fueled by Tsing Tao Beer or perhaps a wild idea. Anyway, I'm off to the lake for a retreat from reality. Have fun and enjoy thie trip.


P.S. Does this come up in chinese? How about the e-mails?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we will have to reserve time for the slide show to go with your great stories. You have a gift.

We are enjoying following your adventure on line.

Aunt Karen and Uncle Frank