Monday, October 10, 2005

That may just be the coolest thing I've ever seen...

Some of you may have seen them, the Shanghai Acrobats. Now it is a fact that there are many troupes of them, but I saw quite an incredible show last night. I went to Shanghai Circus World and once you get past the title and the fact that it looks like the Epcot Center, you can get into it.

I have seen the Acrobats before, but with another group in another venue. At Shanghai Circus World there really aren't bad seats because it's a huge ball. There was a lot of production value in the performance. The title of the show was "ERA-A Multimedia Experience." A large white backdrop that served as a production screen that enhanced each performance. I enjoyed the tie ins for each act. A man came out riding a bicycle where he was towing a trailer with a large clay jar. He stopped the bicycle in the middle of the stage and girls in colorful costumes that one would believe to be snakes came out. There were 4 of them in this jar. I guess you have to be fairly comfortable to be in that close of quarters. The all waked away on their hands to come out later to do their act. The man turned into a police man and two gangs spread out on the stage West Side Story style. These young men jumped through several hoops that were on the platform that once held the jar of girls. And so on...

The big capper to the evening was the Metal Ball of Death. I don't know if that's the real name, but I'm guessing that you may have seen one. A metal ball that people drive motorcycles in. Before last night the most I'd ever seen in one of these balls was 3. This one had 8. Yes that's what I said. Eight! It was the biggest metal ball of death I've ever seen and they just kept adding in until all eight were in the ball. It was pretty amazing and a good finale in my book.

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