Monday, February 27, 2006

CSI: Shanghai

Now and again I've made light of a not so great situation. Even though this may seem humorous at times the following was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen in Shanghai, no make that ever.

I woke up on Sunday morning, trying hard to make a mental note that Sakae and I should never hang out again, and made my way to the couch. As I was settling into a nice lazy morning/afternoon, I looked out the window onto the roof top of the building across the street. There on the roof was a man lying on the roof. My first thought was that maybe it was a homeless person but as several police showed up and then the guy with the shiny silver briefcase. My friend Denise and I spent much of the morning watching what happened. From the body language of the police, we decided that the man must have jumped of a higher building and landed on the roof of the lower one. In the end after they police had examined the body, they didn't put it on a stretcher. They wrapped the body in a white sheet and lowered it off the roof with ropes.

There was a novelty at first, but as the whole thing played out and we realized what was going on... well it was extremely strange and I still don't know really what to think about the whole event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What was the unexpected souvenior? I have online troubles again. Can receive but cannot send in outlook or hotmail. Thought this would be an avenue for us. Going to world day of prayer at 2. Then to the hockey game with C. Have a good weekend. Got 6"snow Wed and more predicted for Sat.
Love Mom