Friday, February 24, 2006

What is old is new again...

There are a few things that I haven't done in a while. One is work 40 hours a week. The other is pay rent. Within the next week or so I'll have completed both of those things. My first week on the job was a short one (sorry RB) because Monday was President's Day. I'm enjoying my new endeavor, can't really call it a job but it's something completely different. Might be going for the record of how many different things one can do. For those who may not know, I'm doing a Market Research position with the USDA Foreign Ag Service in the Shanghai Agriculture Trade Office (most likely I'll refer to it as ATO Shanghai). This includes a government e-mail address, an office (until the new person they hired comes in), and business cards. This is the most professional work atmosphere I've been apart of and it didn't take as much adjusting as I may have initially thought. There are many exciting things happening this spring and I can't wait to see what my role in them will be.

Second, I have an apartment but won't be moving in until March 8th as the guy who lives there currently is waiting for his new place. That's fine with me as I am staying with my friend Denise and her place is within walking distance of where I work. When I move I'll be one of those Metro commuters. I do love public transportation. Back to my apartment...I have a famous address, well if you know anything about Shanghai then it will mean something to you. If not, then sorry. My window looks out over Huaihai Road, one of the best shopping streets in Shanghai. The place is a total Shanna-type place also. The previous tenants have painted Chinese characters and translated phrases on the walls, my flatmate is a guy from Newcastle who teaches English, there's a piano in my room. Maybe I should have learned to play? Nah, I'll just turn on the Ray Charles and pretend.

It rained over the weekend. Because I planned ahead a bit when I packed this time, there was a useful purchase when I was home on holiday: a pair of rain boots with pink/white/red hearts on them. While wearing them I was able to secure mean mugs from both Chinese and Westerners. Mission Accomplished! Sky's the limit from here.

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