Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

I may not be home, but that doesn't mean that I can't celebrate. Many people say it, but I know I have the greatest mom in the world. Really, who else can put up with me for this long and still have a sense of humor? But seriously, she came halfway around the world to see me and boy did we have a time.

My mom has seen a lot in her day, and continues to give me reality checks on a regular basis. Couldn't have turned out as well as I did with out those. I wish I could be home to cut tulips out of the flowerbed and make my attempt at breakfast like I used to (it is so hard to wake up before her!) but I'll leave that up to the little sis. If everyone could give my mom a hug for me, that would be great. That or make sure that we don't have a planting breakdown. I'm sure that they would be equally appreciated.

And, not to be forgotten, Grandma Ginny. I think it's great that she's been able to do all the worrying for me, it's freed up some time for me. But really, I can never express how lucky I have been to have her just down the road from me for so many years. When you want to run away from home when you're little, where do you go? Grandma's house, and mom doesn't really have to worry much. She's got the best nuggets of wisdom and I'm still waiting for the pigs to eat my little sister so I can have that much fun. She's always had great fashion sense, as demonstrated by the fact that I still wear her clothes. Grandma, you're just simply great and no one will ever argue otherwise, especially when I have my friends ask about you all the time.

So a Happy Mother's Day to all and do something nice for your mothers and grandmothers. I love you and think of you often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang! There go my eyes, leaking again. What a great posting, again. I will take it to Grandma this am. She will love you all the mor.